Blog Archives

Takodah Upgrades Class Selection Process

We’re passionate about making Takodah awesome! Based on parent feedback from last summer, we’re excited to announce a huge upgrade to our class selection process! Truth is, our long-time class selection process is no longer up to par. Here’s how it has worked: campers get a list of all the classes upon arrival at camp. […]

Takodah Adds New High Ropes Challenge

We’re thrilled to announce the construction of a new high ropes elements for Summer Camp 2018… Voyageur’s Crossing Campers will go bonkers over this new high ropes element! Two campers ascend the poles (one on each side). Their mission is to traverse the “islands”, which also means navigating around the other person. Luckily, they’ll have […]

Change Your Facebook Settings

Facebook has announced that it’s changing its newsfeed algorithm to prioritize your friends/family over organizations. Truth is, that’s pretty awesome! But it means losing touch with the organizations you love most, like Camp Takodah! Can you imagine life without awesome news, videos, and photos from camp!? Luckily, there’s a quick fix to make sure you still […]