CampInTouch is our online registration and health/paperwork platform (required for all campers). You can login to your CampInTouch account via this link, then click Forms & Documents.
Forms & Documents be completed by June 1. Your profile must indicate “100% Complete” before you arrive at camp. The State of NH prohibits us from allowing a child to stay at camp without completed health information.
Login to CampInTouchIt’s critical that you enter all of your medications in your health history. If your child has medications in CampInTouch, you’ll receive a blister pack from us via mail in late-May. You’ll fill/seal the blister pack before coming to camp.
You’ll still need to bring the original prescription bottles with you to camp (so our nurses can confirm the dosage amounts/times). Due to their licensing requirements, our nurses must distribute the medications as prescribed on the original packaging. If you have liquids, inhalers, or Epi-Pens, you’ll need to bring them in their original packaging, sealed together in a Ziploc bag, labeled with your camper’s name. When you arrive at camp on Opening Day, you’ll need to check-in your medications in the Dining Hall.
The Health Center is stocked with common over-the-counter medications, such as Tylenol, Benadryl, cough syrup, and topical ointments, as well as first aid supplies, which are available at no charge if needed.
All campers are given health screenings on the first day of camp. Please do not bring children to camp with any of the following: fever, cold/sinus symptoms, vomiting, sore throat, rash (if cause is unknown/untreated), lice, bed bugs, chicken pox, or other communicable illnesses.
Parents are notified via phone of any injury/illness that requires significant medical attention, such as a temperature of 100+ degrees, a stay of longer than two hours in the Health Center, or the need to visit a doctor.
If a camper has an injury/illness that prevents them from participating in activities for more than 24 hours, we will make arrangements with their parents/guardians for them to convalesce at home if possible.
Camp Takodah does not provide accident/health insurance. Medical bills incurred by campers at camp are the responsibility of their parents/guardians. You and your insurance company will be billed directly for any fees.
RNs, EMTs, EMRs, and/or WFRs are on-site and on-duty to care for campers at all times. Many cabin leaders also hold certifications—such as EMT, Wilderness First Aid/Responder, and First Aid / CPR—to provide immediate assistance. Camp Takodah maintains partnerships with ConvenientMD and the Cheshire Medical Center for clinical and emergency care.
If you’d like your child to carry an Epi-Pen or inhaler on their person at camp, the State of NH requires you to submit a Epi-Pen and Rescue Inhaler Form, which must be signed by a licensed medical provider. You’ll also need to submit an additional Epi-pen/inhaler to be stored in the Health Center in case of an emergency.[hr]