While a concern for many parents and some campers, homesickness is normal. It means that you have a home worth missing. Learning how to overcome homesickness now will help your child deal with similar feelings in the future, such as during school trips and sleepovers. It’s all part of becoming a healthy and independent person. While our cabin leaders are well-trained in helping children cope with homesickness, and there are also steps you can take now to set your child up for success at camp:
While your child is busy trying new things, making new friends, and growing up, you’re left at home to worry about their experience and adjust to life without them. Here are some things you can do to deal with child-sickness:
Leaving such a wonderful camp community is also hard. People in the “outside world” just don’t understand the magic of camp. You can help with camp-sickness by asking your child open-ended questions about camp. Use conversation starters, like: Tell me about your cabin leaders. Tell me about your best friends at camp. Tell me about the best time you had at camp. Tell me about what you want to do next year at camp.