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Letter from the Executive Director – Spring 2019

Ryan Reed — March 26, 2019


The Takodah YMCA has amazing volunteers, and they are worth their weight in gold. They share their time and talents without any reward or expectation of being recognized all for the good of the YMCA. I can’t thank you enough; you make a huge difference to the youth we serve. We couldn’t do what we do without you.

Many Takodians probably have no idea how many volunteers we have, I’m not sure I know them all. For a small YMCA, it is so impressive that we have over 100 volunteers putting in over 3000 volunteer hours. I want you all to know that you matter. You make a difference. Your great generosity has had a profound and lasting impact on all parts of the Takodah YMCA. Your willingness to share both your time and your talent by volunteering says a lot about each of you as human beings. Your willingness to give selflessly to help others speaks to both your strength and the quality of your character – lessons we try to teach the youth we serve.

Thank you to:

  • Our Board of Directors who does so much to make sure we provide financial assistance to as many families as we can, ensure our financial success, and make the big the decisions that continue to move us to the future.
  • All of our Heritage Travel volunteers. For over 45 years you’ve been part of one of the few all-volunteer led programs in the YMCA nationally. Because of you, generations of students have learned about their nation’s history and government while having experiences they’ve never had before.
  • Volunteer Corp. For years now, you’ve been giving up a week of your summer to do projects at Camp providing new activities for campers and doing projects that otherwise wouldn’t get done. I love that your numbers keep growing and you provide such a benefit to our campers.
  • All Task Force and Committee members. You help us manage our endowment, recruit new board members, plan our golf event, fundraise, work on our master plan, and so much more.
  • Our newly formed Historical Society. You not only document and protect our long history, but more importantly connect current campers and families to the many people, places, and programs that have made Takodah what it is today.

I hope I’ve caught all of you, but if I haven’t I truly apologize.

When you volunteer, you are making a commitment to share that most precious of resources – your time – to make life better for those who are in need. The fruits of your labors make a tangible impact, of course, but perhaps it is the fact that you are willing to share your time and talent to lend a helping hand and to show kindness and caring that makes the greatest difference in the lives of the individuals who are touched by your generosity.

While I know that you choose to volunteer selflessly, today I wish to recognize you for all you do. I want to let you know just how much your dedication is appreciated and to make sure that everyone at the Takodah YMCA is forever grateful to each of you. Whether you are a long-time volunteer or if you got involved fairly recently, and regardless of how many hours you choose to give, it’s important for you to know that what you do makes a difference.

Words cannot adequately express the gratitude that I, along with the board and staff, wish to convey. Please know that your volunteerism is recognized, appreciated, valued and cherished. We thank you and look forward to continuing to work with you in the future.

If you’re interested in getting involved with the Takodah YMCA as a volunteer, please contact Artie Lang, Executive Director, at 603-352-0447 or by email.