Blog Archives

Samoset duo cooking up help disaster victims

The article below was reposted from The Sentinel & Enterprise.  One of the students featured, Ethan Vettese, is a Takodah camper. By Peter Jasinski, LEOMINSTER — As he watched news coverage of Hurricane Harvey a few weeks ago, 13-year-old Timmy Peznola had an idea. “I saw everything that was happening down in Texas and I […]

Walking in the footsteps of the Pioneering Takodians

During the Centennial Summer of 2016, I started to give a lot of thought to our humble beginnings. While we’ve all been part of Takodah’s journey of growth along the shores of Cass Pond, the fact remains that our earliest days were spent in two other places. It became a mission of mine to figure […]

Growth Mindset

Within the wide world of youth development, mindset has become a topic of intense interest. In general, researchers have focused on two primary types of mindsets and the impacts that they can have on performance and approach to challenge. The first type of mindset is a “growth mindset”, and people who think this way subscribe […]