Blog Archives

Bob Ferranti Memorial Golf Tournament

The 10th Annual Cheshire YMCA Golf Tournament in memory of Bob Ferranti is on May 17th, 2013 starting at 12 noon at the Keene Country Club.  The annual golf tournament helps us raise funds in support of the youth of the Monadnock Region.  Specifically it helps us provide camperships and scholarships in order to help […]

Camp Takodah Activity Spotlight: Target Sports

Another great sporting activity provided by Camp Takodah is our Target Sports.  At Camp Takodah we offer an Archery range and a Rifle Range.  Camp is the first opportunity that many children have to learn a Target Sport.  Camp is full of fast action activities, and with days packed with field sports, swimming, and tag […]

Camp Takodah Open House: Sunday May 5th

On Sunday May 5th, from 2pm to 4pm, Camp Takodah will be hosting our Annual Open House.  Our 2013 Leaders In Training will be giving tours of our beautiful Campus in Richmond, New Hampshire.  Come see are new Performing Arts Center in North Village, and tour the rest of North Village, which had a successful […]

Camp Takodah Activity Spotlight: Water Sports

In the early days of Camp Takodah, summer camp operated on a site in Swanzey.  Once Takodah found its final and permanent home at a site in Richmond, Cass Pond became one of the major focal points of the Takodah experience.  A safe and fun waterfront with a robust boating program is a staple of […]